Lasianthus Jack. has a wide distribution occurring from tropical Asia (about 120 species) trough Australia (one species) to tropical Africa (about 20 species) and tropical America (2 species) (Robbrecht, 1988). In Thailand it distribute only in primary forest such as mixed deciduous forest, dry evergreen forest, hill evergreen forest and moist evergreen forest.
Natural habitats of Lasianthus in Thailand are lowland forest to hill forest from sea level to an altitude of approximately 50-1700 m (Table 1) and an endemic species and new species record of genus Lasianthus in Thailand.
Species in genus Lasianthus are usually shrubs or undershrub and grow into small trees (Zhu, 2001). In natural forests and undisturbed forests of Thailand genus Lasianthus are woody plants and small trees less than 1 m tall its monocaul treelets. An obvious characteristics consisting of a main trunk bearing lateral axes which may or may not be apart of branched and lateral branches are arranged opposite or opposite decussate as leaf arrangement in all species (Puff et al., 2005).